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Take care of your transactions

Protect your passwords and personal information

Don’t let anyone else access your benefits. Surf the internet securely and protect your privacy! Follow our tips to prevent someone stealing your passwords and personal data when you log in to our website.

  • Create a safe password that is easy to remember and hard for other people to decipher.
  • Don't include personal information such as your birthday, the name of a family member or your account number.
  • Avoid series of numbers or letters, such as '123456' or 'qwerty'.
  • Don't use the same LATAM Pass password for different services, especially for bank accounts.
  • Don't change or recover your password in public places.
  • Your password is personal and non-transferable.
  • Change it periodically; every 4 months at the most.

Avoid fraud and phishing of your accounts:

Fake e-mails

Be careful with imitation e-mails that aim to obtain your personal information. To avoid this, consider the following points:

  • They use graphics and text similar to those of LATAM.
  • They request personal or confidential information.
  • The sender, e-mail address and links are hosted by sites that imitate LATAM.
  • They offer prizes to obtain your information.
  • They usually contain spelling and/or grammar errors. They also use words that are not normally included in our communications.
How to avoid this?

If you have questions about an email you receive, follow these steps to prevent visiting fraudulent sites and giving your personal information away:

  • Hover your mouse cursor over suspicious links. Your internet browser or e-mail program will show you the address it will take you to.
  • When you receive an e-mail with links, check you are being redirected to a LATAM website.
  • Do not install programs as a part of a promotion. Review the extension of the attached files (avoid “.exe” format).
  • Keep in mind that LATAM will never ask you for your LATAM Pass password or credit card information in an e-mail.
By phone or text message
  • Always check who is speaking or communicating with you, both on the telephone and by text message. We will never ask for your LATAM Pass user password or credit card information.
  • We will only ask you for your Contact Center password, which consists of four numbers, to validate telephone operations.
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